I'd like to take a moment of thankfulness to the people I've found on the net who's ingenuity, creativity, and generosity have inspired me to move beyond what I see as limitations, and renew my faith in my fellow humans. I love how the medium of the web has engendered creative sharing and camaraderie among people of all walks of life.
Take for instance my new found friend Cat Kerr, a very creative and generous soul whose blog I found quite by accident one day who gently reminds us in her blog that creativity, like love, recognizes no boundaries and the roadblocks to our creative success are usually placed there by ourselves. Cat is also a very talented mixed media artist who makes gorgeous jewelry and invests her time and energy unselfishly publishing tutorials and helpful hints on a variety of subjects including jewelry and creative blogging. You can see Cat's Mini works of art at her Etsy shop - https://www.etsy.com/shop/catcreations or read her latest blog post here: http://inthelightofthemoon.blogspot.com/2013/03/around-bend.html.
I have also found visual inspiration through many wonderful artists and photographers who willingly share their work, their talents and their knowledge on the web every day. Jeffrey Morris is one in particular that I have found always amazes and inspires me with his use of light in amazing landscapes that open the walls of my mind. He has inspired me to strive to improve my own photography and shares his knowledge with others by posting photography tips and tutorials on his blog : http://thephotographersjourney.blogspot.com/.
Jeffrey together with his wife Heather also does amazing and insightful Portraiture at Morristowne Photography, you can find them at http://morristowne.com/ or , on Flicker at http://morristowne.com/ . I can't go very long without a little of their "eye candy" for the spirit.
The colors and leaf patterns in the his photo on the right inspired one of my lastest pieces, seen below
These are just two of the many artists whose work inspires me to improve and who's generosity and sense of community helps to keep me striving in a world big enough to swallow me whole. Where technology goads us to move faster, make quantity over quality, narrow our focus, decrease creativity in favor of productivity it is artists like these and many others who remind us to, embrace quality, encourage each other, broaden our focus, and encourage creativity.
There will be more of these "thankfulness posts" in my future for there are so many more generous and creative people in the artistic community who have enriched my own creative journey and that of many others that it is impossible to put them all in one post.
May you each be blessed with guide posts on your journey and may each of us get the opportunity to return the light we receive. Would love to know some of the people, places, or things that have inspired you.
Til next time, Keep creating